Saturday, November 15, 2008

Walk Cycle

This was my result from the High End 3D website tutorial on animating a run cycle in maya
Heres the website
I found it to be a realy helpful guide and easy to follow

Runboy! from Ryan Spargo on Vimeo.

The chainsaw massacre

This was for Terrys assignment "flash free play" i thought i'd make a dude chopping down trees...Animated trees?

Chainsawing flowers and trees from Ryan Spargo on Vimeo.

Ilustations from my first year

Overview Time!
Here are a few of the illustrations i have done over the past year while studying animation


I be a pirate by ~nanow on deviantART

Seafood by ~nanow on deviantART

I made this in pieces(head, neck,facial features) for an animation that i compsed in adobe after effects

Dragon head by ~nanow on deviantART

My first vector art
Made in flash

Vector manga saloon by ~nanow on deviantART

This was a character made for terrys biaf project

And this is my historic settin piece i did in janes class where i sketch out the layout scanned into photoshop and painted using a wacom

Battle ships by ~nanow on deviantART